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Ebook – The Distended Eye


Largely for archival purposes, I’m making my book The Distended Eye available to the public. While I’m not terribly proud of it anymore, it goes against my archival instinct to bar it entirely from the scrutiny of readers, and so I’m offering it for free as a PDF. It’s definitely a sophomoric effort in my eyes, but people have told me they enjoy it.

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Largely for archival purposes, I’m making my book The Distended Eye available to the public. While I’m not terribly proud of it anymore, it goes against my archival instinct to bar it entirely from the scrutiny of readers, and so I’m offering it for free as a PDF. It’s definitely a sophomoric effort in my eyes, but people have told me they enjoy it.

Technical Information

File name: The-Distended-Eye-6frbon.pdf
File type: application/pdf
File size: 570 KB


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